High quality payment information straight to your inbox
When you start your own business, online or offline, you need to specify which payment methods you want to offer your customers. And you’ll have no problem finding a lot of information about payments providers, new financial products and services or news from banking market. But the point is to reach a valuable source of information.
Card Academy Bulletin is a Payment Card and Financial Services newsletter published by CAC Card Academy. Being located in Copenhagen, Denmark, they gather fresh news not only from Nordic and Baltic Rim countries, but also from the rest of the European and global market.
CAC organizes also payment industry conferences in Baltic and Nordic countries (such as Latvia, Iceland, Norway, Sweden or Denmark), which attracts companies representatives from payments and banking industry. It’s always nice to meet your business partners face-to-face, especially when you entrust them your money.
To find more information about Card Academy, visit http://www.cac-cardacademy.com/ and subscribe to Card Academy Bulletin.