Across the Board

Blog on e-business and online payments.

Tag Archives: money

10 SaaS Businesses That Know How to Take Your Money Online

“Better to be safe than sorry” – it’s a saying that contains a good piece of wisdom to follow.

When you are responsible for a growing SaaS business, it’s best not to get too much overboard with this whole trying-out-new-ideas thing. Sure. It’s exciting. But often heart-wrenching as well.

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Third Party Processing

Today we’ll have a look at a certain method of processing payments.

The one that got big rapidly in the last few years.

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How to set a good price for your web product?

A good price doesn’t mean a low price. The price of your web product or service can’t be too high, because no one will pay that much, but it can’t be too low, because you won’t earn enough money on it. It has to be the right price for you, your business and your customers.

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The Future of Money

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Crisis? Not in the e-commerce industry

GlobeWhen I am reading news from the e-commerce industry, regardless of the country or the continent, it seems that it’s the only sector of the economy where crisis is not as noticeable. Hell, one might even say it’s actually… non-existent!

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Safe Vacation – How To Pay And Not Lose

The latest hot topic in Poland is travel agents’ problems, which in fact means also problems of people using their services. First Sky Club went bankrupt, then Alba Tour. And right after that, Africano Travel. The news of these companies surprised thousands clients who were halfway through their vacation, thousands of miles away.

Safe Return Home

The priority in such a situation is for the tourists to return home safely. One can hope that the trip’s insurance will cover the costs, but, as recent events have shown, the Foreign Office is of great help with organizing and paying for return journeys.

After finally returning home, another thought comes to mind – lost time and money.  And although no one will make up for the wasted vacation, is there a way to get back the money spent on the trip?

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US debt visualized: Stacked in $100 bills

Here’s a link to a visualization of the United States debt.

It’s showed step by step in $100 bills, you just follow the numbers and… well, you can surely check whether your idea of “how much is one trillion dollars” was correct. But it doesn’t stop there.

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How do you think your money works for you?

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