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How to accept payments on mobile devices?


Smartphone or tablets are not only practical devices that make our life easier. You can stay online for (almost) a whole day, check the route to any destination, measure time and distance you run etc. But mobile device let us also buy wherever we are. Imagine what opportunities they give to your business!

Do you often travel for businesses meetings, trade shows, conferences, etc.? Now remind yourself how many times you faced a situation in which you talked to a potential customer who wanted to buy your product or service at that very moment. We all know that impulsive shopping is the most efficient. But during a conversation, the customer has limited options to actually make a purchase: one need to go online, visit the e-shop and buy the product.

And after some time the initial enthusiasm drops, your customer changes his mind, or forgets about your products.

There are a few tools that can help you manage this kind of situations. Let’s take a look at PayLane’s solutions.

1. PayLane GO! Mobile Application

The first version of an Android application PayLane GO! is now available. This application enables you to sell your product or service in any place. The only thing needed to make a transaction is a smartphone. Sellers do not need to have a terminal, card reader, etc. The payment in its entirety is finalized within the app itself.

How does this work? A PayLane client downloads the free PayLane GO! application in the Google Play store, after logging in the products/services that you want to sell can be added. This can be done at any time, prices can differ from those on your website. Once your customer is ready, the card data is filled in and the customer then accepts the purchase and that’s it! All these transactions can be controlled in PayLane’s merchant panel where you can also send an invoice to your customer. Using the PayLane GO! application is free.

PL_1_start         PL_2_form-top         PL_3_form-bottom

2. Create your own mobile application

If you are creating or you already have your mobile application, PayLane has created app libraries and array of Android codes (other systems to follow) to help integrate payment methods and selling into the application. The libraries can be downloaded from the Developer Zone where examples of codes and how they work in practice can also be found. These tools can help developers in quick integrations.

How do payments in applications work?  An example of an application that uses PayLane’s mobile app libraries is the Vemma application. Clients are no longer redirected and can just tap away with ease to place a new order. It works like in a store! Clients choose the amount of product orders they want to purchase, choose a payment method, enter payment details and simply click buy.

 V_1_ScanTheCard    V_2_PaymentForm    V_4_Confirmation

3. Mobile Shop

For businesses that already have a mobile version of their website or store, the best tool is a responsive payments form. This solution changes its resolution in order to fit a customer’s device, with all the desired payment methods in place. You don’t need to integrate special solutions for smartphones and tablet users. If you want to keep customers and bypass redirecting, we are offering a way to integrate through API. Business owners can learn more about API and what their developers will need to do in the DevZone:

Think what’s the best solution for your business: mobile application, using mobile libraries to create your own app or a responsive payment form. Whatever you choose don’t wait with implementation. Your clients already buy via mobile devices.

Sociologist and researcher, particularly interested in what happens at the interface between individuals and society, nature and culture. Fan of commercials- claims that ads are Art! Admires pure form in any field of art. At PayLane responsible for good visibility, audibility, readability and brand presence. Thinks about new markets, channels and partners. Open to any form of cooperation. After work - follower of the slow food movement. Always finds time to support NGOs.

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