Across the Board

Blog on e-business and online payments.

…and we’re back!

Phew, that was a long break. A month! We truly hope nothing like this will ever happen again. Ok, we don’t hope – we promise.

But there is a bright side though. Of course there are no excuses here and abandoning the blog was truly reprehensible. But since we didn’t have much time to write, it would be nice if we at least told you what was so occupying.

And a lot happened and new things came out. We have a new acquirer, so that’s pretty big. Apart from that we constantly implement new payment methods (this includes preparing to conquer our “home market” – Poland).

Also take a look at our websites, social media and so on – everything is new here, and this includes:

We have tons of ideas, so it’s all pretty often about time. Oh, and that’s one of the reasons why our team recently grew ;) So there are really a lot of things going on, but hopefully such delays won’t happen here again.

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