Across the Board

Blog on e-business and online payments.

Małgo knows how to X-ray any company with a beautiful smile on her face; she also has an extraordinary collection of shoes and drinks a lot of yerba mate.

All posts by malgo:

3-D Secure – Advantages and Disadvantages for Merchants

Credit cardIf you are a merchant, you definitely care about the security of your online transactions. One of the ways to achieve that is implementing 3-D Secure. The name probably rings a bell but if not, let us give you a short summary of what it is, together with the advantages and disadvantages that come with it.

3-D Secure – Visa and MasterCard Security Standard

3-D Secure system is a set of security standards developed by Visa, but implemented also by other card organizations. The Visa system is called Verified by Visa and the MasterCard system is offered as MasterCard SecureCode. In a nutshell, if 3-D Secure is implemented then straight after entering customer’s card information, he or she is asked to enter a password which helps the card issuer to identify the card holder.

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We’re Getting Audited! But What Does It Mean?

It’s a busy time at PayLane – we’ve just been audited. No, not by the IRS. Our taxes are just fine. Then what does it mean? Last week we were visited by a QSA (Qualified Security Assessor) from an external audit company who, in short, decides whether a financial company is trustworthy or not. He spent a week with us, going through hundreds of document pages, checking our network’s and servers’ safety and interviewing the staff.

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How To Check If an E-Shop Is a Fraud?

Credit card laptopMillions of people shop online everyday, spending of hundreds of billions of dollars. The number of online retailers is equally impressive, which means that you get a wide range of shops to choose from, but also that you fall a victim of fraud shops. However, there are certain steps you can take that will help you choose a trustworthy shop. Take a look at our list of 10 free tips that will make your shopping safer!

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22 Simple Tips To Prevent Chargebacks

Chargebacks are an inseparable part of running an e-shop and accepting online payments. However, there are certain steps you can take to minimise the risk of getting them, so take a look at the following list and protect your business from potential loss.


  1. Remember that clear information can save you a lot of money and trouble.
  2. Make sure that you provide your customers with all the possible contact information.
  3. Your contact details such as a physical address and a telephone number should be clearly visible on your website.
  4. Provide accurate descriptions and images of your products.
  5. Use a clear DBA (Doing Business As) name that customers will recognize.
  6. Put your phone number on your customers’ statements. If they do not recognize your DBA, they can call you to find out who you are and why you have charged them.
  7. Be clear with your return policy, as well as your shipping policies. Make sure that customers read the policies before their order can be processed.

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How To Make Women Trust You

Only 6.8% women trust online payments. This is the conclusion that Marzena Feldy, a PhD at Warsaw School of Economics, has come to. She analyzed a group of young people aged 18 to 34 as to their online shopping behavior. The research included both men and women but let us concentrate on women for the moment.

According to the research, women consider e-shopping too technical. Websites loaded with masses of products have been shown to cause information stress among women. It also turns out that women find contact with a shop assistant indispensable. They want to be sure that goods can be returned easily. Women also consider e-shopping boring. Surprised? Here is why. The interviewees claim that while shopping online they lack interaction with friends. There is no one around to discuss, advise or help make the final decision.

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