Across the Board

Blog on e-business and online payments.

Mr. Banks is actually a fictional character, but does some real work. This makes him PayLane's fictional employee of the year :)

All posts by Mr Banks:

Businessman vs. Consumer Rights


As we enter the month of March, it is only right that we prepare for March 15th as that’s when the World Consumer Rights Day is celebrated. This day marks the date on which President John F. Kennedy first outlined what are Consumer Rights, and what we have known them to be since 1962. During the Presidents’ speech, he outlined four basic consumer rights: to inform, to choose, the right to safety, and the right to representation.

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Polish PayPal Mobile Shopping Infographic

Our partners at PayPal have created this great infographic with a little insight into what mobile shopping in Poland looks like. Click to view a larger image!


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A Valentine’s Day gift from PayLane!


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Happy Holidays from PayLane!

This Holiday season we want to take the opportunity to say thank you and we wish you nothing but the best in the coming year. May the joy and happiness of this time keep you  warm!holiday card

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Hip Hip Hooray for PayLane – a Birthday Infographic!

January 26th marks not only Australia Day, but also PayLane’s birthday! That’s right, we are 8, which is quite hard to believe, as it feels like we have just had our 7-year run!

To celebrate it, we have just launched a brand new site and we’ve made an infographic summing up the past year – we spent it laughing, crying, celebrating and, above all, working hard to provide the best service. We set up 305 new accounts and launched 27 new services and products, including PayLane for Startups, DevZone, eCommerce plugins and single-click payments.

In these past 12 months we also released 40 press releases and expanded to 4 new countries- Ireland, Germany, Poland and the UK, which resulted in an increase in the number of clients by 135% and newsletter subscription by…800%!

Now, on our 8th birthday, we can proudly say we offer European businesses accepting online payments via 39 payment methods in 167 transaction currencies! And we’re doing a pretty good job judging by how many fans we have on our social media profiles – 5159!

Thanks a lot for being with PayLane for these 8 years. Here’s to great things still ahead of us!

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Expand to Europe’s Most Dynamic eCommerce Market!

Back in October we introduced wire transfers in Polish banks, which are crucial when running business in Poland. For many of you it had no significance as your business operates only in the UK, France, the Netherlands or Portugal, and you have no plans to try new markets. However, the latest Polish eCommerce report will no doubt make you reconsider your expansion plans – let us present to you some of the most interesting and impressive facts about this market from recent years and the expected figures for the near future.

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Should You Adjust Your Product To Specific Markets?

After months of preparations, countless hours spent working and analysing, you finally create your product. It has taken a lot of effort to get it done and you want to market it in the best possible way. The question is – should you keep your product the same for all countries or should you adjust it to specific markets?

Take PayLane for example. As you probably know, we offer online payments. Most people associate it with credit cards and they’re right. But (there’s always a but!) if you run an e-shop, you know very well that accepting just credit card payments is not enough, especially if you have multinational customers from around the world. And since, as cliché as it may sound, we really do want to help out our clients boost their business, we do everything to make it happen. That’s why we adjust our services according to the market’s needs.

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Conquering The World? We’re Almost There!

First it was Ireland, then Poland and now… Germany! Yes, you heard (read?) that right – PayLane launches in good ol’ Deutschland!

For years we have helped companies around the world grow and develop their online projects. Now also German businesses can expand to international markets or boost their domestic sales. Besides standard payment methods, such as credit and debit cards, German companies will now be able to offer their customers alternative solutions typical for specific regions, like Sofortbanking in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, wire transfers in Poland, Dankort in Denmark, Carte Bleue in France or iDEAL in the Netherlands.

We’re so excited to be expanding to Germany and we can’t wait to see how we can help German businesses – whether it’s a brand new startup or a corporation with 30 years’ experience!

Want to know more? Visit, drop us an e-mail at or watch the video below!


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Want to Sell More? Be More Mum-Friendly!

Turns out the people behind those big numbers in m-commerce aren’t brokers, yuppies or geeks in Silicon Valley, but… mums. According to an infographic by BabyBump, nearly 70% of surveyed mums (there was almost 1,400 of them!) shop using their mobile devices, and 93% of them spent more time m-shopping in 2012 than in 2011. Moral? Make your shop mum-friendly – here are a few fun facts that will help you adjust your e-shop to mums’ needs.

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Top 10 Across the Board Posts in 2012

Now that 2012 is officially over, it’s time for a brief overview of our most popular posts in the past year. As you’ll find out, the list is surprisingly diverse – there are infographics, posts strictly connected to payments, marketing case studies and even tips for using… Kindle at work!

Click ‘read more’ to see the list and share your favourite post in the comments section!

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