Regardless of how prosperous your company is, there is always room for improvement. And when is a better time to change than now? In honour of 2013 we have come up with a few New Year’s resolutions – regarding your customers, employees and yourself – that every ecommerce business can, and in some cases should, follow.
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Let’s face it, online payments is a boring business. Hell, I’m guessing some of you have already closed the tab now that you’ve learnt this post will be about it. If you’re still here though, do stay, cause we have something unusual to share with you…
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Not so long ago we were joined by Damian and we already have a new team member! This time, the new addition will help Dominika and Agnieszka from Customer Service. And so, without further ado, let us present to you the latest PayLaner!
Alicja Czerwińska

My name is Alicja and I am a new Account Manager at PayLane. If you are our client or partner, you might hear from me, as I’ll be dealing with our merchants and acquirers – whether it’s solving your problems or collecting documents.
When not working at PayLane, I am a student at the Gdansk University of Technology. My field of study is Financial Mathematics and I really enjoy it.
In my free time I travel as much as I can. My best trip so far has been China, although that may change soon as I’m planning to go to Kenya. My other passion is skiing, which I’ve been doing for over 15 years.
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So you have a business idea. You’ve heard so much about startups going big, such as Square, Pinterest or Dropbox. At the same time, hundreds, if not thousands of new businesses failed and gave up after a few months. How do we increase our chances of launching a successful startup? By finding the right investor.
The good news is that there investment groups that do just that – look for interesting startups to help. The bad news? It’s harder than you think to get that help. However, there are certain things you can do to increase your chances of getting picked.
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As we all know, Christmas is the time of family gatherings, celebrations, eating and… shopping. And even though there’s still over a month till December 25, it’s high time you got ready for the flood of customers. A recent survey conducted by Liveperson shows that the majority of shoppers will do their shopping in November, while 29% will do it already in October! And what’s even better, they’re feeling more optimistic this year, which may result in higher sales. How can your e-shop benefit from the Christmas shopping spree?
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A brand can be built using many methods. What you cannot do is not build it at all. Every business is working for their reputation by interacting with clients or partners. And it’s their opinions that usually are the most helpful when deciding about potential shopping or partnership. Most people prefer to use services recommended by their friend, so our clients’ satisfaction should be more valuable than any ad campaign, media coverage or strong market position.
How to help first time clients decide to use our services? What if we haven’t yet gained reputation of a trustworthy merchant and not all potential clients are determined enough to look us up on the internet (e.g. price comparison websites)? Of course, you can tempt them by lowering your prices, but in most cases buyers prefer to pay extra and be sure their transaction will go smoothly.
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Do you have a business operating in Poland? Maybe you would like your company to expand to that part of Europe? Before you do that make sure you have the one thing that will help you achieve success in the Polish e-commerce market – wire transfers.
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Remember our Credit Cards in Numbers infographic from a few months ago? Tesco Bank has made a similar compilation of fun facts about credit cards and online shopping habits in Britain.

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