If you’ve ever looked into accepting online credit card payments (and chances are that you have, the “Pay” in “PayLane” isn’t there just for funzies), you probably fear chargebacks more than a one-on-one meeting with your mother in law. That’s what friendly fraud is – a monster in the closet that you never knew about. For merchants, processing card not present transactions (so basically, all online credit card payments) the risk of receiving chargebacks is daunting, and rightly so, since it can be quite costly. But there is only so much that you as a merchant can do to protected yourself against them – sure, you probably have the friendliest customer support team in the whole wide world and a well worded terms of service agreement, but is that enough?
Well, it is.. sometimes. The biggest risk for any online retailer is selling non tangible goods, which are becoming more and more popular with every minute. Internet stores are basically flooded with all things digital, whether it’s a subscription to a magazine or that awesome new MP3 that’s stuck in the back of your head. These purchases that we often make with the click of only a few buttons (heck, with all these one click purchases, who isn’t tempted?) are perhaps the root of the problem.
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PayLane now supports a mobile version of the Secure Payment Form! This simple to use form will allow your customers to make a purchase right in their phone. What’s more if you already use our Secure Payment Form, then you don’t need to implement this mobile version because users will automatically be redirected to the Mobile Payment Form.
This service can be used by businesses who are already integrated with PayLane’s Secure Payment Form. To help you see what this Mobile Payment Form looks like, we’ve prepared a simple guide to the know-how of the Form itself.
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The question on everybody’s mind is – should I allow Bitcoin as a payment form on my website? This brainchild of the pseudonymous Satoshi Namakamoto has soared from zero to hero in a very short time period. Worth barely a cent in the first year of its career (2009-2010), finally reaching dollar value in 2011, nobody saw any potential in this wildly fluctuating cryptocurrency. That is, until the bubble grew to enormous sizes in 2013, at one point reaching over $1200. But what does that mean for the future of Bitcoin? That’s what we’re going to discuss briefly.
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I have a PayPal account – is that enough to accept payments from customers all over the world?
Many in the Internet world believe that having a PayPal account is all you need to accept payments in any part of the globe, well you might need to have some type of a card too and that’s it. Surely, now everyone from this planet will be able to pay for our services.
True or false? Well, yes and no, that depends.
This world is a very diverse one. People live in different countries, speak different languages, and more often than not, use different ways of making a payment. This goes for the offline world just as much as the online one.
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Marketing is a very broad and open topic that can cover pretty much anything. However, it’s the job of every good analyst to know exactly what pays off. In this post we are going to explore the three main reasons why videos are becoming so popular and worthwhile in marketing and branding.
First there was Twitter and Facebook where sharing your short thoughts was a great way to provoke customers in engaging with companies, then we had Instagram which brought on the era of imagery and visualizations, and at last we’ve moved onto videos with YouTube, Vine, MixBit and now even Instagram Videos. According to a Youon Infographic a page with just text will be looked at for an average of 48sec whereas a page with a video can drive up to 5 min and 50 sec on a website!
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Every seller’s dream is to have as much traffic that generates buys, as possible. However, achieving this is not as easy as it seems. A lot of people spent enormous amounts of money on advertising, all in order to bring more customers to their website. Why is it then, that the average rate of e-commerce conversion is somewhere between 1-5%? What are store owners doing wrong?
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Hashtags are a great social media marketing tool that many businesses dismiss simply because it reminds them of something that teenage girls use on Instagram. The truth is, hashtags are an underappreciated marketing campaign tool. Using them the right way can bring in traffic and new customers to any business.
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