Across the Board

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Tag Archives: statistics

Crisis? Not in the e-commerce industry

GlobeWhen I am reading news from the e-commerce industry, regardless of the country or the continent, it seems that it’s the only sector of the economy where crisis is not as noticeable. Hell, one might even say it’s actually… non-existent!

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Credit Cards In Numbers

Credit cards in numbers - infographic

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How to get more retweets – the ultimate guide

You may be a Twitter enthusiast or think it’s just a big mess and no tool will allow to fully control it. But the thing here is that Twitter simply works. Millions of people use it to share information or ask questions and that’s why it’s worth your interest. And as they say: since you can’t beat them – join them.

There’s lots of noise in Twitter streams, so being engaging is pretty much crucial. Doing it “manually” (asking questions, being controversial etc.) is one thing, but it would be unwise not to use Twitter’s mechanisms designed to help people connect.

Retweeting is about spreading the news, engaging, appreciating good content and so on. Here are a few tips that will help you write tweets which should spread all over the Internet.

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How Big Is E-commerce Industry?


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Startup bubble 2.0?

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Everybody lies. Even numbers.

It surely isn’t new that statistics lie or at least they don’t tell all the truth. Since social media are (unfortunately) very often about numbers, take a look at how many users does Twitter really have.

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