Across the Board

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Tag Archives: design

5 tips to make your online form even better

application form

How many times have you tried filling out a form and groaned in frustration? Probably one time too many. Online forms are a necessity at times, but can also cause frustration. Sometimes a short sign up form can cause many problems if not done properly. Whereas a long registration form can be frustrating when everything you’ve filled in just disappears once the browser is closed. These things add up to a negative user experience – and you cannot have your users feel angry at the very beginning of your journey.

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Happy Easter!


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7 Ways To Get More Customers


Every online store wants to be a success story, but what exactly does one do to make their store the very best? Well, there are seven simple steps that can help every business owner make their store desirable. From product/service descriptions all the way to good, clean web design. Some of these steps may seem just too easy or good to be true, but you’d be surprised how many of us forget that those are the keys to making our store popular and rich with customers. So let’s jump in:

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5 Good practices in online checkout

online-checkoutShopping cart abandonment can be a plague. The web is filled with reports estimating the number of abandoned carts from 55% to 80.30% . Your website can be beautifully designed and  embody the latest trends, yet statistically only about 40% of your customers will complete the shopping process. That’s a bit discouraging.

But worry not! Sometimes a small change in the shopping process can save your income. We have listed 5 good customs (connected mainly, but not limited to design…) that can help you enhance the checkout process and make your customers experience better 

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Not All Brochures Have To Be Ugly And Boring

Corporate brochures don’t have to be boring. There are instances when taking a different approach to design actually pays off. Sometimes it’s good to break the mould. Designing a corporate brochure is not an easy task. First, the brochure needs to convey the company’s spirit. It also needs to show the products, inform about company’s politics… Not to mention it needs to be visually attractive. Quite a lot for a bunch of printed sheets of paper stacked together. At the end of the day, the most difficult task proves to be making an unforgettable impression on the reader.

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PayLane for StartUps, a Short Story of Creation

Take a retro rocket, spice it up with a flying superhero, add a pinch of subtle textures, mix together and leave to simmer. If only the process of creation was as simple as a cook-book recipe. In this case we could begin like this: take gallons of black coffee, hours of inspirational soundtrack and an occasional “eureka” moment… But, like with every project, this one begins with a concept.

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Cipher – a stylus with style

Cipher - a credit card shaped stylusHave you ever been frustrated with the inaccuracy of touch screens and your own fingers? Drawing isn’t that easy on a smartphone and sometimes even texting causes some troubles. Especially if you have big fingers and devices, let’s say, under 4 inches. Of course there are styluses, but let’s be honest – if a mobile device doesn’t have a dedicated stylus holder, there’s very little chance anyone will carry it around.

However, what we do carry almost all the time, besides the phone itself, are our wallets. And a wallet always has place for credit and business cards. Now the question is how to join these facts. It turns out that it’s quite comfortable to operate precisely with the corner of such a card.

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Secure Form gets a makeover

First, a few words of explanation: when a client wants to purchase something from merchant’s website, he or she needs to fill in the special form, specify the payment method and validate the address. Some merchants had designed their own forms. For those who did not, PayLane has always had a form prepared. But recently, we have decided it’s time to have it refreshed.

The changes are visible at first glance: the design underwent a severe make-over, the green boxes are gone and everything fits a single form. Company details can be found in the top right-hand corner of the form: the merchant can customize this area with his or her logo and, naturally, company details.

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Google plus cover equals… the making of

It didn’t take Google long to follow into Facebook footsteps and change the look of their social website. Unlike Facebook, the change was not as drastic and didn’t leave an unprepared profile looking plain. Still, an updated look meant some redecorating on our (the PayLane’s) part.

Google offered two possible looks of the site: one involved a long cover picture and the other offered a chopped version, composing of five small squared pictures. At first, the first option seemed to be a good idea, but soon proved to be rather tricky. The chopped version was much more interesting to design.

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Facebook covers – the making of

PayLane timeline cover

Everybody (and their uncle) knows about the Facebook Timeline. On March 30th the brand profiles changed their look. Some companies embraced the Timeline earlier, which made the design job a real challenge: how to do something quite original and stay within the borders of company’s policy?

PayLane’s TimeLine – time-consuming but rewarding

We wanted something special for the PayLane’s Facebook cover. Naturally, it had to be connected with our business: credit cards, online payments… But we wanted the cover to convey more than that. We wanted to show that we are a group of people with passion for payments.

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