When you’re planning to open up an online store, sooner or later you will have to decide on a payment solution. This doesn’t just mean choosing payment methods to help your business grow by letting various customers from all over the world buy, but it also means choosing the right way to integrate.
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To ease into the weekend and let your minds breathe, we have a wonderful infographic by Miva Merchant. Most “normal” people have an idea of what e-commerce is and what it does, but what is it REALLY capable of? Read statistics and definitions that will explain (with great design, of course) exactly what goes into e-commerce.
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Whenever a customer reads their card and/or bank statements, they most likely see dates and amounts of transactions, perhaps the account balance after each of them, and – depending on the bank – maybe some additional information as well. But among this data, they surely see transaction descriptors. As the name suggests, a transaction descriptor is meant to describe a particular payment in order to help to identify the transaction.
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When you apply for a merchant account at an e-commerce bank, sooner or later you will hear about a rolling reserve. Since you may then urgently need to clarify this term, please let me explain in advance what it refers to.
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If you are an online payments newbie, no doubt you’re getting lost in all the new expressions, phrases and definitions. That’s why we come to your rescue with this 3-part introduction to payments safety. Today, we set off with CVV2.
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