When you’re planning to open up an online store, sooner or later you will have to decide on a payment solution. This doesn’t just mean choosing payment methods to help your business grow by letting various customers from all over the world buy, but it also means choosing the right way to integrate.
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As you might already know, we have recently released a new API here at PayLane. The reason we’ve done that we wanted our API to be accessible in any way possible – no matter which programming language or platform you would use to integrate with us. How have we achieved that?
We started to be more RESTful :)
What is REST?
In plain English, REST is an API design standard and technology that standardizes how API should be made and how it should work. But what is more important – the basic principles of REST say that your interfaces should not be tied/connected to any specific technology or language. Also, you really should focus on keeping your API as simple as possible in terms of its usage – you are giving access to your application to your future customers – do not let them down! RESTful APIs take a good use of what’s already there – the HTTP protocol. If we want to be more specific, they use basic Internet protocols to communicate with the outside world – and that’s pretty much all you need to know about it.
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What’s that?

Developer Zone is a special website dedicated to IT geeks. It contains everything that might be helpful when integrating with PayLane. Besides technical documentation, you’ll find there:
- plugins for the biggest e-commerce platforms (Magento, osCommerce, Zen Cart, OpenCart, Presta Shop) and to WordPress,
- business cases,
- payment transaction demo with both requests sent to PayLane and responses received from our payment systems,
- code samples including PHP, Java, Python, Ruby, C#,
- last but not least, you can see how to send transaction request via cURL.
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It’s quite normal to think that each line of code written by you is perfectly good. Unfortunately, I have to upset you – you’re wrong. Every developer makes bugs, but not all developers know how to prevent them. I think there’s no need to explain how important it is to create safe and bug-free software in payment processing. Apparently, it seems that good solutions that help to avoid bugs, seem to use the unittest framework – a module that’s available for most popular programming languages like PHP, Python, Java, C#, C++.
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