What’s that?

Developer Zone is a special website dedicated to IT geeks. It contains everything that might be helpful when integrating with PayLane. Besides technical documentation, you’ll find there:
- plugins for the biggest e-commerce platforms (Magento, osCommerce, Zen Cart, OpenCart, Presta Shop) and to WordPress,
- business cases,
- payment transaction demo with both requests sent to PayLane and responses received from our payment systems,
- code samples including PHP, Java, Python, Ruby, C#,
- last but not least, you can see how to send transaction request via cURL.
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We all know that high security is a must for every business. One of the ways to ensure the safety of your clients’ money is implementing 3-D Secure. But what does it mean from the technical side?
Thanks to PayLane’s implementation of the 3-D Secure technology, it is not merchants, but banks that are responsible for chargebacks in case of fraud transactions, on condition that:
- 3-D Secure has been activated for the card,
- the payer has been redirected by the merchant to a website where the card authentication takes place,
- the authentication process is successful.
To make it easier for merchants to use 3-D Secure, without requiring them to have in-depth knowledge of the whole authentication process, we have brought it down to 2 functions called through API.
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I have recently been working on one of our new projects, and I needed to have my own copy of our system with full functionality. The changes made by me would affect the whole system so my workmates couldn’t work on their features then.
Although every respectful development company uses version control systems, typically every change is made to main repository – then every developer can be up to date and they can work on the same project. But sometimes – as in my case – your changes are going too deep to work on the same repository. Here branching comes in. It is used globally in any version control system. It allows you to create branches that are (depends on system) independent copies of HEAD (or another branch) created from one particular commit in main repository.
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