Yes, Even The Most Boring Businesses Can Have Fun Marketing Actions!
Let’s face it, online payments is a boring business. Hell, I’m guessing some of you have already closed the tab now that you’ve learnt this post will be about it. If you’re still here though, do stay, cause we have something unusual to share with you.
Most online payments providers’ marketing campaigns consist of posting stock photos and creating a rather impersonal image. We try to take a different approach. That’s why you can find photos of our entire team on our site or read blog posts written by each one of us. That’s also why when we heard Braintree, our competitor from the US, was expanding its services to Poland, we decided to “welcome” them in this part of the world. Of course it wasn’t good news for us (if I may, it’s like an online payments David and Goliath ;)), as Braintree is a much bigger company, but we thought: “we might be small and less known, but we sure are good at what we do!”.
As it turned out, the Braintree team were quite a fun bunch that decided to play along… (make sure to watch the video of Braintree receiving our present – the link is at the bottom of the page!)
- PayLane “welcomes” Braintree in Poland
- Braintree retaliates 1 & 2
- There’s nothing better than pierogi and cheeseburger!
- Braintree opens the parcel PayLane sent to Chicago
- Closer look inside the parcel
Besides marking our presence in the American payments market, our little exchange resulted in some Twitter buzz, many new Facebook fans, and of course, lots of fun.
Have you ever teased your competitor? Share your fun marketing campaigns with us!