Does size matter?
Many people ask this question, many people answer it. But there are still some doubts. So, let’s clarify this. Many people think that size doesn’t matter – the technique is the key. Ohh… that’s just terribly wrong. Size does matter, because it must be easy on the eye and we must feel confident and comfortable when operating with it.
Size and shape of credit cards was specified by ISO ((International Organization for Standardization))/IEC ((International Electrotechnical Commission)) 7810 as ID-1 format. ID-1 defines not only the properties of payment cards, but also passports, driving licenses, identity cards and it’s also a common format for business cards. Detailed characteristics of ID-1 (as credit cards) are described within a few other standards:
- ISO/IEC 7813 defines additional characteristics like thickness and rounded corners radius, embossed characters
- ISO/IEC 7811 defines techniques for recording data and magnetic stripe formats
- ISO/IEC 7816 defines everything that comes with embedded chip
That’s not all – ISO/IEC also specifies physical characteristics that every ID-1 must fulfill, such as durability, bending stiffness, toxicity, flammability, resistance to heat.
The card size is defined as:
- 85.60 mm (3.370 in) width
- 53.98 mm (2.125 in) height
And here comes the fun or disappointing part (depending on the point of view).
The width to height proportion equals ~1,586, which is ~0,032 less than the golden ratio ~1,618. Not so perfect after all…