Across the Board

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Tag Archives: business

Start-Up: Interview with Bartłomiej Gola of SpeedUp Group

This time we’ve got something for the start-up community. If you decide to create your business it might be useful to know your potential investors’ point of view. Better listen criticism and correct mistakes now than close the project before it develops properly.

I have talked to Bartłomiej Gola,  the Managing Partner of SpeedUp Group, an entrepreneur and innovator, about the future of start-ups, why great engineers fail, the difference between local and international business and how to find an investor for your start-up.

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PayLane Verified Merchant

PayLane Verified Merchant badgesRemember us saying that we like to do more than just processing payments? We want to help all the really great businesses out there and that’s why we want to promote them.

So here’s out latest perk for merchants – the PayLane Verified Merchant seal.

What are the benefits of the Verified Merchant status?

The short answer is: you will improve your business and sell more.

The just a little bit detailed answer is:

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Meet The Latest Additions To Our PayLane Team!

If you remember our anniversary infographic, you probably know that PayLane is expanding. In the past month, our team was joined by three new members-Aga, Maciek and Zosia.

Have a look at who we are and what we do…

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What a small company can do in one year? (anniversay infographic)

One company's experience in 2011

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Interview with Krzysztof Bartnik – editor in chief in

I waited patiently to interview Krzysztof Bartnik about his experiences running service and magazine.  I knew it would be worth it and then, finally,  he came through the door! He apologized but I know online vendors have a long queue of important things to do and think about work day and night.  Plus Krzysztof simultaneously runs an online service and a magazine for and about the Polish e-commerce sector, so he’s constantly training vendors, presenting at conferences and organizing national promotions like Free Shipping Day. But right now, he’s excited to talk about his e-commerce experiences.

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What every merchant should know about required documents

When applying for a merchant account, you’ll be asked to fill out a merchant application. The application is typically standard across most merchant service providers with regard to the information collected on the application.

In addition to the application, you’ll be required to provide support materials as they relate to the business and owners. Required merchant account support documents are as follows:

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Antivirus for our bills

I’ve just found an interesting web-based application – BillGuard. It scans your credit cards daily, alerting you to hidden fees, billing errors, misleading subscriptions, scams and fraud.

Sounds interesting, doesn’t it?

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How to survive more than a 1000 years in business?

If a company is old, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s antiquated or out of date in any way. But it also doesn’t have to indicate its credibility. Actually, the age itself doesn’t present any value at all. However, we can suspect one thing – if a certain company managed to survive for a long time, it may mean that they’ve actually been doing something the right way.

Of course I’m not going to tell you how you can make your business last for centuries – I’d have to be a prophet or a charlatan to do this. Besides, who’s really interested in all those centuries? All we may expect is to make our business work well for us and to leave it in good condition for our children. We don’t care what will happen 5 or 10 generations later. We’ll be already gone, buried and forgotten (sorry for saying it so directly, but that’s just the truth).

Anyway, instead of advising, I’d like to do some analyzing. Let’s get a closer look on some examples of those businesses that are really, really old.

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How Big Is E-commerce Industry?


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Startup bubble 2.0?

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