Yeah, that’s possible. And in fact not so rare. The same card, similar transaction. We are able to pay for one product (on website #1), but we aren’t for another one (on website #2).
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Nowadays, with constantly increasing number of online transactions and better consumer awareness (which is great!), it is important things are under control.
The cardholders are entitled to invoke a chargeback procedure. This may be carried out in the event their merchant does not perform a contract for the items they have paid for or when their card has been used for a non-authorized payment. While this option is extremely convenient and safe for the cardholders, it is less fun for the merchants to deal with such a request.
Agreed, it is the issuer bank’s duty to take this up, on the other hand, it will be the merchant who will be charged for each procedure. Unless they have strong arguments that the chargeback shouldn’t have been initiated in the first place.
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One of the most popular payment methods in some countries (such as German-speaking regions) is direct debit. Let’s compare this payment method to credit card payments…
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In some countries (such as in CEE) the most popular payment method is still the wire transfer. That’s why when we are talking to customers from this region, most of them are asking about the functionalities regarding payments through this payment method.
That’s why we’ve decided to compare these two payment methods…
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The latest hot topic in Poland is travel agents’ problems, which in fact means also problems of people using their services. First Sky Club went bankrupt, then Alba Tour. And right after that, Africano Travel. The news of these companies surprised thousands clients who were halfway through their vacation, thousands of miles away.
Safe Return Home
The priority in such a situation is for the tourists to return home safely. One can hope that the trip’s insurance will cover the costs, but, as recent events have shown, the Foreign Office is of great help with organizing and paying for return journeys.
After finally returning home, another thought comes to mind – lost time and money. And although no one will make up for the wasted vacation, is there a way to get back the money spent on the trip?
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If you are an online payments newbie, no doubt you’re getting lost in all the new expressions, phrases and definitions. That’s why we come to your rescue with this 3-part introduction to payments safety. Today, we set off with CVV2.
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Recently, the owners of the Chase Sapphire Credit Cards (signed by Visa) might have been surprised, finding their new card looking slightly different than they were used to. The 16-digit number, the expiration date and Visa logo were moved to the other side, leaving just the name of the cardholder and the bank on the front.
Redesign is not an easy thing to do. If done carelessly, it may prove hazardous. One may recollect a recent redesign of the Pepsi logo – not received well by the general public. Some concepts and designs are so deeply rooted in people’s minds that even a slight change seems odd and takes quite a long time to get used to. The truth is that there should be a really good reason behind the redesign. It can be done to refresh the brand or to appeal to new markets. It may be done to differentiate oneself from the competition, to enhance usability… Or to stress a unique feature of a new product.
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Many people ask this question, many people answer it. But there are still some doubts. So, let’s clarify this. Many people think that size doesn’t matter – the technique is the key. Ohh… that’s just terribly wrong. Size does matter, because it must be easy on the eye and we must feel confident and comfortable when operating with it.
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Acquirer (also known as an acquiring bank or merchant bank). A financial institution and a member of a card association licensed with credit card companies. Best known card associations are Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, Diners Club, China UnionPay.
Acquirer is a bank that accepts or acquires performed transactions with a use of credit and debit cards issued by all banks within the card association scheme.
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How many times have you had to type a credit card number when you wanted to pay for something? It’s painful, isn’t it? 16 digits one by one, then check for mistakes… next payment: once again, 16 digits one by one, etc. is a solution for everyone who’s tired of putting the whole credit card number again and again.
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