It’s no secret that we love startups and we frequently write about them on our blog. We know that besides a lot of passion, e-businesses need partners who understand their needs. That’s why we prepared our revolutionary project: PayLane for Startups. We make online payments processing easier. See how it works and join the startups revolution!
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When I am reading news from the e-commerce industry, regardless of the country or the continent, it seems that it’s the only sector of the economy where crisis is not as noticeable. Hell, one might even say it’s actually… non-existent!
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The latest hot topic in Poland is travel agents’ problems, which in fact means also problems of people using their services. First Sky Club went bankrupt, then Alba Tour. And right after that, Africano Travel. The news of these companies surprised thousands clients who were halfway through their vacation, thousands of miles away.
Safe Return Home
The priority in such a situation is for the tourists to return home safely. One can hope that the trip’s insurance will cover the costs, but, as recent events have shown, the Foreign Office is of great help with organizing and paying for return journeys.
After finally returning home, another thought comes to mind – lost time and money. And although no one will make up for the wasted vacation, is there a way to get back the money spent on the trip?
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Are you still reluctant to use mobile payments? You think that your business is doing fine just with credit cards? Are you afraid it’s an expensive and complicated solution? Take a look at this great infographic about 6 mobile payments myths – it might change your mind!

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Scam and scammers are something that we need to fight with almost each day. Unfortunately it’s one of the worst plagues of our industry. How many times did you receive an e-mail with a request to change the password in some kind of e-wallet service (such as PayPal)? How many times were you asked to do something in your bank account? To have it done you just needed to click on some link in the email and put your login and password in a login form. Simple. But fake.
Those websites look similar to the original ones. But they are not. Once you put your login and password – these credentials will be stored in scammer’s database.
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First, a few words of explanation: when a client wants to purchase something from merchant’s website, he or she needs to fill in the special form, specify the payment method and validate the address. Some merchants had designed their own forms. For those who did not, PayLane has always had a form prepared. But recently, we have decided it’s time to have it refreshed.
The changes are visible at first glance: the design underwent a severe make-over, the green boxes are gone and everything fits a single form. Company details can be found in the top right-hand corner of the form: the merchant can customize this area with his or her logo and, naturally, company details.
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After Magento’s integration PayLane has now released an osCommerce plugin which allows online payment processing.
osCommerce, just like Magento, is an e-commerce solution that allows setting up an online store with a wide range of features. The success of osCommerce can be assigned to active and evergrowing community.
How to use PayLane add-on?
PayLane add-on allows to integrate with payment processor. Installation is very simple – just download the package from , unzip it and move directly to your osCommerce installation folder! PayLane Payment Module is available in: Administration Tool -> Modules -> Payment Modules. Enjoy using it!
Do you have any questions? Need help installing our plugin? Contact us now at!
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Whenever we’re explaining one-click payments to our partners or clients, it’s always good to add the “just like Amazon or Apple” phrase. In most cases it says more than any detailed description would and there’s always the “big brand effect”. Of course one of the greatest advantages of one-click payments is that this solution is fast and convenient. That’s why when making a purchase, I was a bit surprised that Apple asked me to provide additional specific documents in order to prove my identity. But, as I wrote recently, confirming my identity is completely understandable in some cases. What struck me was the way it was handled.
Before I tell the story, I have to clearly state that this was a local Apple department (not the US Apple), but after some googling it looked like the same department contacts also, for example, UK customers. We also do not intend to mock or criticize Apple – we just want to present an interesting case study and an example that even really big brands either make mistakes or sometimes do not fully control their representatives.
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One by one we’re adding new payment options to PayLane services. Now our offer has expanded with sofortbanking – one of the most popular payment methods in Germany.
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