What can be even more convenient than paying over the internet?
We’ve all left 2011 behind. This was a good year for Paylaners. Hope it was for you too.
Along with 2012 and New Year’s resolutions came a nice surprise – a few free days extra. Heritage from 2011. Naturally, I wanted to use them.
Took a globe, closed my eyes and pointed a random holiday destination. Wish me luck!
Well, not really, I just googled. Thailand? Why not?
Went on bookaflighthavefundon’tthinkofyourjob.com and wanted to make a reservation at a reasonable cost. Impossible for this kind of journeys, but I was desperate.
My credit card was lying beside me, glancing anxiously, waiting to be used. It didn’t get this chance.
I chose a flight, matching my expectations with a suitable day along with time frame because eventually – I wanted to get back. And that was it. Temporary lack of Internet successfully foiled my plans for sunbathing and sightseeing.
I decided to make a call and ask for details.
‘Your call will be recorded’, I heard.
I don’t mind.
After getting information about insurance and rates, I asked for more time – I had some technical problems and couldn’t make a purchase right away. It turned out that the operator could collect all the credit card data on the spot by filling in the form. She asked me my name, address, credit card number, expiration date and CVV2.
After a few seconds she told me that this transaction was successful and verified plane ticket details once again. I received an email with a proof of purchase after 5 minutes later. Along came an invoice and another email with the ticket and luggage description with unwanted information about liquids, explosives and other dangerous goods that cannot by carried with me. I check my mailbox from time to time to make sure the ticket still there ;) Can’t wait.
I must admit – such telephone order was way better than buying on a website. Maybe I like good old-fashioned conversation. Apart from a telephone bill in case I had to call Singapore.
If you want to spend some more money and you’re not very sure about service’s or product’s particulars, why won’t you call? Question them and buy. It works for me.
Photo source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/34547181@N00/4203901107/in/photostream/