When do you need bank accounts in different currencies to accept payments online?
While selling your products and services online, you may want to scale your business up to other countries. And in most cases other countries means other currencies.
While selling your products and services online, you may want to scale your business up to other countries. And in most cases other countries means other currencies.
Yeah, that’s possible. And in fact not so rare. The same card, similar transaction. We are able to pay for one product (on website #1), but we aren’t for another one (on website #2).
It is a good slogan not only for social activity but also for running online business. If you’d like your brand to spread around the world think how it works in particular markets. Popularity in many regions can finally bring you closer to global success.
Some products can be universal for every user. Think about computer accessories, music streaming services or electronics. But many businesses have to target their solutions to particular markets. For example e-book stores need to offer books in a local language, written by local authors. File sharing services have to abide by the local law, clothes stores adapt to the local climate etc. This means they understand and meet their clients’ needs. If you know what your users want you are all set. You just need to use this knowledge wisely.
Chargeback is the new black. I hear about them on daily basis (maybe it’s because of my job?), also from my friends – about how they fought for their money with an evil merchant. Of course, it’s a great way of getting back what you paid for a faulty product or service, but before you initiate it, it might be worth knowing what it means for the seller and why it’s sometimes better to ask them directly for a refund, without getting banks involved in it.
When you apply for a merchant account at an e-commerce bank, sooner or later you will hear about a rolling reserve. Since you may then urgently need to clarify this term, please let me explain in advance what it refers to.
In some countries (such as in CEE) the most popular payment method is still the wire transfer. That’s why when we are talking to customers from this region, most of them are asking about the functionalities regarding payments through this payment method.
That’s why we’ve decided to compare these two payment methods…
The latest hot topic in Poland is travel agents’ problems, which in fact means also problems of people using their services. First Sky Club went bankrupt, then Alba Tour. And right after that, Africano Travel. The news of these companies surprised thousands clients who were halfway through their vacation, thousands of miles away.
The priority in such a situation is for the tourists to return home safely. One can hope that the trip’s insurance will cover the costs, but, as recent events have shown, the Foreign Office is of great help with organizing and paying for return journeys.
After finally returning home, another thought comes to mind – lost time and money. And although no one will make up for the wasted vacation, is there a way to get back the money spent on the trip?
Sofortbanking (which is called sofortuberweisung in Germany) is a payment system, which gives customers an ability to pay by a wire transfer from lots of European banks. Sounds great, doesn’t it?
The idea is pretty simple (and clever at the same time). Their systems are integrated with a lot of banks from around the Europe and they offer payments through these banks in one web interface. So if you want to pay in a web store, you have to be forwarded to sofort’s website, where you need to choose your bank, put your login, password and some token and… just click the submit button.
Sounds great, so what’s the problem?
One by one we’re adding new payment options to PayLane services. Now our offer has expanded with sofortbanking – one of the most popular payment methods in Germany.
When applying for a merchant account, you’ll be asked to fill out a merchant application. The application is typically standard across most merchant service providers with regard to the information collected on the application.
In addition to the application, you’ll be required to provide support materials as they relate to the business and owners. Required merchant account support documents are as follows: