Across the Board

Blog on e-business and online payments.

Tag Archives: PayLane

Think global, act local

It is a good slogan not only for social activity but also for running online business. If you’d like your brand to spread around the world think how it works in particular markets. Popularity in many regions can finally bring you closer to global success.

Some products can be universal for every user. Think about computer accessories, music streaming services or electronics. But many businesses have to target their solutions to particular markets. For example e-book stores need to offer books in a local language, written by local authors. File sharing services have to abide by the local law, clothes stores adapt to the local climate etc. This means they understand and meet their clients’ needs. If you know what your users want you are all set. You just need to use this knowledge wisely.

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Is It Worth To Use Customer’s Language?

When you decide to run a global business it is only natural to create your product and promotion in English. It’s the most universal language, especially on the e-business markets. But it’s almost certain that your product develops and gains popularity in specific domestic markets. This would be the moment you start considering whether to translate your service, promotional materials and even to provide customer support in the local language.

To be (multilingual) or not to be?

Providing business (even online business) in the language of every possible customer can be difficult, extremely costly and absorb human resources. And, if your solution is sold all over the world, it might be even impossible. But if you launch your product in particular markets, prepare promotion actions or start partnerships with local companies, institutions or suppliers, you’ll need to be ready for an increased number of queries, clients and partners from that region. And that’s what you expect. But it might happen that your clients want to talk and write to you in their mother tongue.

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Hip Hip Hooray for PayLane – a Birthday Infographic!

January 26th marks not only Australia Day, but also PayLane’s birthday! That’s right, we are 8, which is quite hard to believe, as it feels like we have just had our 7-year run!

To celebrate it, we have just launched a brand new site and we’ve made an infographic summing up the past year – we spent it laughing, crying, celebrating and, above all, working hard to provide the best service. We set up 305 new accounts and launched 27 new services and products, including PayLane for Startups, DevZone, eCommerce plugins and single-click payments.

In these past 12 months we also released 40 press releases and expanded to 4 new countries- Ireland, Germany, Poland and the UK, which resulted in an increase in the number of clients by 135% and newsletter subscription by…800%!

Now, on our 8th birthday, we can proudly say we offer European businesses accepting online payments via 39 payment methods in 167 transaction currencies! And we’re doing a pretty good job judging by how many fans we have on our social media profiles – 5159!

Thanks a lot for being with PayLane for these 8 years. Here’s to great things still ahead of us!

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Conquering The World? We’re Almost There!

First it was Ireland, then Poland and now… Germany! Yes, you heard (read?) that right – PayLane launches in good ol’ Deutschland!

For years we have helped companies around the world grow and develop their online projects. Now also German businesses can expand to international markets or boost their domestic sales. Besides standard payment methods, such as credit and debit cards, German companies will now be able to offer their customers alternative solutions typical for specific regions, like Sofortbanking in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, wire transfers in Poland, Dankort in Denmark, Carte Bleue in France or iDEAL in the Netherlands.

We’re so excited to be expanding to Germany and we can’t wait to see how we can help German businesses – whether it’s a brand new startup or a corporation with 30 years’ experience!

Want to know more? Visit, drop us an e-mail at or watch the video below!


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Happy Holidays from PayLane!

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Yes, Even The Most Boring Businesses Can Have Fun Marketing Actions!

Let’s face it, online payments is a boring business. Hell, I’m guessing some of you have already closed the tab now that you’ve learnt this post will be about it. If you’re still here though, do stay, cause we have something unusual to share with you…

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Meet PayLane’s New Addition!

Not so long ago we were joined by Damian and we already have a new team member! This time, the new addition will help Dominika and Agnieszka from Customer Service. And so, without further ado, let us present to you the latest PayLaner!

Alicja Czerwińska

My name is Alicja and I am a new Account Manager at PayLane. If you are our client or partner, you might hear from me, as I’ll be dealing with our merchants and acquirers – whether it’s solving your problems or collecting documents.

When not working at PayLane, I am a student at the Gdansk University of Technology. My field of study is Financial Mathematics and I really enjoy it.

In my free time I travel as much as I can. My best trip so far has been China, although that may change soon as I’m planning to go to Kenya. My other passion is skiing, which I’ve been doing for over 15 years.

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Not All Brochures Have To Be Ugly And Boring

Corporate brochures don’t have to be boring. There are instances when taking a different approach to design actually pays off. Sometimes it’s good to break the mould. Designing a corporate brochure is not an easy task. First, the brochure needs to convey the company’s spirit. It also needs to show the products, inform about company’s politics… Not to mention it needs to be visually attractive. Quite a lot for a bunch of printed sheets of paper stacked together. At the end of the day, the most difficult task proves to be making an unforgettable impression on the reader.

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1 Thing You Need To Have To Run Business in Poland

Wire transferDo you have a business operating in Poland? Maybe you would like your company to expand to that part of Europe? Before you do that make sure you have the one thing that will help you achieve success in the Polish e-commerce market – wire transfers.

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PayLane for StartUps, a Short Story of Creation

Take a retro rocket, spice it up with a flying superhero, add a pinch of subtle textures, mix together and leave to simmer. If only the process of creation was as simple as a cook-book recipe. In this case we could begin like this: take gallons of black coffee, hours of inspirational soundtrack and an occasional “eureka” moment… But, like with every project, this one begins with a concept.

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